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Month: November 2021

Bulat Utemuratov’s Foundation will build a new airport terminal in Kyzylorda

After modernisation, the airport will handle twice more passengers than at present.

The Kyzylorda Oblast Akimat (administration) signed a memorandum of cooperation with Bulat Utemuratov’s Foundation. This was reported today by the Oblast Akim, Gulshara Abdykalikova, at a briefing in the Central Communications Service under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The purpose of the agreement is construction of a new modern passenger terminal of the Korkyt-Ata airport to enable its capacity expansion and compliance with modern international standards. After modernisation, the airport will be able to handle up to 300 passengers and hour that is twice more than the passenger flow.

The Foundation is going to fully finance the project the start of which is scheduled for 2022. The new terminal will be located on an area of 3.9 hectares. After completion of construction, the terminal will be signed off to the Kyzylorda Oblast Akimat.

According to the Kyzylorda Oblast Akim, Gulshara Abdykalikova, expansion of the airport is a long pending issue. “Due to the high costs of construction of a new airport, we decided that the most feasible solution would be to expand and modernise the existing infrastructure by means of building a new terminal and to bring it in compliance with international standards. The signed memorandum and financial support rendered by Bulat Utemuratov’s Foundation will help to implement this strategically important project promptly and on time,” noted the head of the region.


Yury Polskiy, Vice President of the Kazakhstan Tennis Federation, elected as a member of the ATF Board of Directors

For the forthcoming two years, the governing body of the Asian Tennis Federation will have a representative of our country as its member.

Vice-President of the Tennis Federation of Kazakhstan Yury Polskiy passed to the Board of Directors of the Asian Tennis Federation (ATF) with the largest number of votes among 17 candidates.

Thus, in the next two years a representative of our country will be a member of the leadership of the Asian Tennis Federation.

“The ATF meeting was held the day before. The results of the current year and plans for the development of tennis in Asia for 2022 were discussed. The achievements of Asian athletes were noted. It is especially worth noting that Kazakhstani tennis players invariably get to high places. In our work, we will greatly focus on the development of children’s and youth tennis. The Asian continent is one of the fastest growing, there is great potential,” said Polskiy.

To remind, the Asian Tennis Federation is a non-profit organisation affiliated with the International Tennis Federation.

It is the continental body of the national tennis associations of Asian countries. The main objectives of the ATF are to develop and improve the quality standard of Asian tennis.


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